1. Soak walnuts or almonds for 5 minutes in boiled water, then peel.
2. Finely chop almonds or nuts in a food processor.
3. Melt butter and keep warm in a bain-marie. Spread 2 tbsp butter over a baking dish approx. 23 x 36 cm.
4. Lay a sheet of fillo pastry on a baking sheet and brush with melted butter. Repeat for 5 more layers.
5. Trim fillo sheets to size of baking dish. Alternate one buttered sheet, with one un-buttered sheet and add nut mixture again.
6. Repeat until 6 fillo sheets remain. Fold over edges.
7. Butter each remaining fillo sheet and place one by one.
8. With a sharp knife, cut all the way through layers in a diamond pattern, and pour remaining butter over baklava.
9. Sprinkle with a little water.
Bake at 350°F (175°C) for 1 1/2 hours.
In a saucepan, boil 1 1/2 cups of water, sugar, and honey for 10 minutes.
Pour hot syrup on top once baklava has cooled.