1. Preheat oven to 400°F (200°C).
2. Wash and peel apples.
3. Core apples leaving a cylindrical hole in the middle.
4. Add a dash of Grand Mariner over the apples.
5. Stir together sugar, ground cinnamon, ground clove and sesame seeds and almonds.
6. Spread out fillo pastry and cut into squares large enough to wrap each apple.
7. Fill each apple core with mixture.
8. Butter a baking dish that has a lid.
9. Take 2 sheets of fillo pastry and place in baking dish.
10. Place an apple in the middle and wrap it with the fillo pastry sheets. Do the same with remaining apples and fillo pastry.
11. Sprinkle the apples with remaining filling. Cover baking dish.
Bake on bottom rack for 35-40 minutes.
Allow to cool, then sprinkle with sugar and serve.